A downloadable game for Windows



Capsule Wars (Windows).zip 47 MB

Install instructions

Unfortunately, as we can't afford to have a dedicated server, there are some limitations on how to host a game online. For now, there is nothing we can do about it unless guide you through the steps needed.

With your support, we may be able to overcome this limitation and make it easy for everyone to host a game. Read the Milestones section to know more about how we can make this happen together.

To have fun with your friends playing Capsule Wars, someone will need to be hosting a match. The game is playable both in a local network or via the Internet.

For security reasons, you should not give your IP Addresses, local or public, to any person you don't know.

  1. Click the "Host" button
  2. Insert your username
  3. Click "Host"
  4. Done! Give your local IP Address to your friends who will be playing with you, and wait for them to join.

While playing in a local network is pretty straightforward, hosting a game via the Internet is a bit more troublesome. For now, there are two ways to host a game online: 1. Via port-forward; 2. With a device compatible with UPnP.  Check below the steps needed for both methods:

- With a device compatible with UPnP:

While using this method, a security warn may appear. This is expected, as the application will try to access some settings in your router.
  1. Click the "Host" button
  2. Insert your username
  3. Make sure the UPnP button is checked "ON"
  4. Click the "Host" button

You should be taken to the Lobby in most cases. If you don't, probably your router/modem is either not compatible with UPnP or has it disabled. In this case, try to access your device's settings page and enable UPnP (Universal Plug'n'Play).

- Via port-forward:

In case you don't have a device compatible with UPnP, then your only choice is to port-forward. Although this procedure changes for each device, the steps below should help you:

  1. Open your web browser
  2. Insert your router/modem's IP address into the address bar
  3. Insert the username and password to access your device's configuration
  4. Access your port-forward settings. It is usually located in the Advanced or Local Network sections
  5. Add a new port-forward with the following:
    1. Name: Just an identifier, type anything you want
    2. Port: Type 23571 in both minimum and max port range fields
    3. Protocol: Select UDP
    4. Internal IP Address: Type your local IP Address

With one of these steps, you should be able to host a game with no problems. Have a good game and thank you for your understanding.

Join a game is fast and easy, but you will need the Public IP Address of your friend that is hosting the game. You should be playing in no time following the steps below:

  1. Click the "Join" button
  2. Type your username
  3. Type your friend's Public IP
  4. Click "Join"


THIS IS NOT MADE BY ME Iwill be updateing it later i will not be eraning any money the orignal creator https://busyweasel.itch.io/capsule-wars

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